Startup Onramp Pre-Accelerator Course

The Startup Onramp Pre-Accelerator is a crash course of all you need to know to start your online scalable business.

About this Event

The Startup Onramp Pre-Accelerator is a 12-week program for startup founders who are early in their startup journey, including those who currently have a day job and want to make the transition from employee to startup founder.

The program has three core components:

A weekly workshop comprising a mix of facilitator-led discussion and group work. The workshops are structured to follow a logical progression from idea validation to product development, customer acquisition, capital raising and growth. Many of the workshops include a guest presenter who leads a deep-dive discussion on a specific topic.

Weekly one-on-one mentoring sessions ensure you keep making progress between the weekly workshops.

A pitch night in which all founders pitch their startup and share their learnings with fellow entrepreneurs. Pitch night is an important milestone and an opportunity to gain valuable media attention for your startup. It is not an investor pitching event, although if you’re ready to pitch to investors we can offer plenty of guidance on how and where to find the right investor.

By the end of the program you will have:

Improved your understanding of startup best practice

Validated your idea with customers

Identified (and avoided) the most likely causes of failure for your startup

Expanded your network to include successful founders and investors

Built (at least) a web site and a professional brand

Identified a viable business model and revenue streams

Become proficient at pitching your startup to investors, potential co-founders, accelerators and customers

Mapped out a plan for the next 12 months of growth of your startup

To learn more:

Sessions will be held every Thursday from 4 pm till 6pm at the Gold Coast Innovation Hub, 244 Varsity Parade, Varsity Lakes.

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Gold Coast Innovation Hub
Room 1.14
Southern Cross University
1 Terminal Drive, Bilinga
Meetings by appointment
Mon to Fri: 9:00am - 5:00pm