Done Day - 29 September 2022


8:30 am

What is it? DONE is a facilitated day of work sprints spent 100% focussed on getting your priorities done with zero distractions. All you need to do is bring your enthusiasm and your to-do list, and then we will keep you motivated and focussed on getting it done. If you know the acronyms, it’s all about GSD by JFDI.

Why participate? You are probably very busy, possibly even getting a lot done, but yet you may be left feeling like you never get time for the most important things. Or maybe you’ve got a backlog of small unfinished. Or maybe you have a big piece of project work that really needs an entire day of focussed work. Or maybe you just want to do some planning and develop a strategy. Or maybe you need time for writing or content creation, or finalising that grant application, or catching up on book work.

How it works:

Each participant brings their own “To Do” list for the day and works through them in a series of short, focussed sprints.

Our facilitator does all the time keeping and keeps you accountable to your tasks for the day.

The morning starts at 08:30 with an optional training session where we share with participants some productivity techniques and tools as well as giving you time to work on your to-do lists for the day.

Then at 09:00 we commence the actual focussed work sprints. We provide suggestions of music engineered by neuro-scientists to maximise your focus, and even suggest food types to ensure you maintain peak energy through the day. You can take all these learnings back into your everyday work practices to improve your normal levels of productivity.

As well as working individually, you have the option to use the power of the group to have short sessions for some brainstorming and co-creation with fellow participants. It’s a great way to gain some fresh perspectives, new ideas, and new connections.

One of our previous DONE Days

What you need:

A clear “to-do list” of work you want to complete

Your work tools (eg a laptop)

Optionally some headphones for music to help keep you focussed

Optionally some low GI snacks and a water bottle to keep you energised

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Gold Coast Innovation Hub
Room 1.14
Southern Cross University
1 Terminal Drive, Bilinga
Meetings by appointment
Mon to Fri: 9:00am - 5:00pm