If you see yourself as an ‘online investigator’, ‘cyber hacker’ or a ‘cyber sleuth’, then this is the event for YOU! Join GC Hub partner TAFE Queensland for the first ‘large scale’ crowdsourced open-source intelligence gathering of its kind in Australia for missing persons.
The CTF will run for a duration of 6 hours and physical attendance is required at the participating locations across Australia. The main event will be in the ACT with the event live streamed across several platforms for simultaneous participation at nominated locations and for public viewing.
Twelve missing persons will be selected from existing National Missing Person Coordination Centre cases for participants to collect OSINT on, and to generate new leads. At the start of the event, contestants will be able to view the missing persons case details by logging into the CTF platform at ctf.tracelabs.org with their own credentials (Registration e-mail to be sent one day prior to the CTF for those who have pre-registered).
For each OSINT Flag submitted on one of the missing persons that falls into any of the categories listed here, the flag will be validated by one of our Judges prior to awarding points.
The top 3 individual/teams awarded the most points will receive a National Hackathon prize. There may be State/Territory awards as well.
For first time contestants, please review Trace Labs CTF rules here.
All leads generated on the missing person cases will be handed to the National Missing Persons Coordination Centre.