Are you ready to take control and ownership of your data? Join ICT Alliance on the 27th of August at 2pm, to find out how you can take control of your data!
Data sovereignty
If your teams are using email attachments, public chat apps, content generators and consumer file sharing tools to work, communicate and collaborate, your Business Data could possibly be at risk.Most of these consumer grade solutions, which include the likes of Dropbox and Office 365, were never designed with privacy regulations or security concerns in mind. Your Business Data is not stored in one place – it’s scattered across the globe with various providers in various data centres.
A security-first solution puts you in complete control over the location and access policies of your data with your Own Secure Cloud. ”Private cloud?solutions sold in Australia are hosted in shared datacenters”.It enables you to have confidence that your data isn’t shared unless you allow it to be and to know that your business data can never be held to ransom
Cloud Services often have hidden costs. Data storage costs skyrocket with service providers when it’s at the Terabyte scale. In particular, ongoing per user database licensing or storage facilities defer the Total Cost of Cloud Services, making it seem more attractive when it actually costs you more. Globalgen’s deployment of commodity hardware and software provides an essential business infrastructure that dramatically decreases the overall Total Cost of Ownership for growing business systems.