Happy New Year and thank you for an amazing 2022!

Thank you to all of our members, mentors, partners, team, board and our community for contributing to another epic year of growth in the innovation and technology sector on the Gold Coast.

2022 was an important year for us.

Despite some tough economic conditions, we saw some of our early members hit significant growth milestones, raise new capital rounds and achieve multi-million dollar exits.

We built new collaborations and strengthened existing partnerships and introduced new programs, workshops and events.

Here is just a little of what we got up to:

Community Growth:

  • We hosted over 100 events and workshops throughout the year including monthly lunch and learns, networking drinks, startup masterminds, productivity days, seminars, webinars and Lego Serious Play sessions.
  • Our mentors conducted over 250 mentoring sessions with GC Hub starter and growth members as well as with participants in the Australian Government’s Digital Solutions program and the PLAY Accelerator program.
  • Our ‘Brunch like a Boss’ Female Founders club continued to deliver incredible insights, connections and value to the growing community of entrepreneurial women on the Gold Coast through six sell out events.
  • Debby Lo-Dean worked with TAFE Queensland to deliver the Future of Business Summit, a half day exploration of the new technologies that are changing the way we work and play.
  • The GC Hub Toastmasters club celebrated its 3rd birthday with past and present members coming together to share their growth and accomplishments that have been strengthened by the communication and leadership skills developed through attendance at the weekly meetings.

Community Sponsorships:

On top of our regular events, the GC Hub was also proud to sponsor a range of external events throughout the year including:

We also joined speaking and judging panels, provided guest lectures and delivered workshops and collaborative activities for universities, schools and community groups throughout the Gold Coast and SEQ region including Griffith University, Bond University, Southern Cross University, Hillcrest College, Trinity College, City of Gold Coast, Victoria University,  Australian Computer Society, Arcadia College and so many more!

Global Connections:

With the resumption of international travel this year we were able to finally connect face-to-face with the many international hubs that we have been building collaborative partnerships with over the past few years.  

  • We welcomed government delegations from Thailand and Cambodia to the Gold Coast, and are excited to have formed a collaborative partnership with the Cambodian government that will create some exciting opportunities in 2023.
  • Our international speaker series resumed with a fantastic presentation at Southern Cross University from Silicon Valley based Gary A. Bolles, internationally-recognised expert on the future of work and understanding and managing disruption. 
  • Debby Lo-Dean spent time at True Digital Park in Thailand, exploring their enormous campus and corporate acceleration programs.
  • Sharon Hunneybell and Steve Dalton visited long term partners, Birmingham Enterprise Community to see their city shine, as ours did four years earlier, with the Commonwealth Games. Together they delivered an Australian Market Entry Bootcamp and Popup Embassy to provide information and linkages to UK companies looking to break into the Australian market at the Virgin Money headquarters.

Capital Raising:

We teamed up with Angel Loop and 42 Ventures to sponsor and host the Gold Coast Angels bi-monthly investment evenings this year – bringing together the early stage investment community and other prospective new investors to provide better opportunities for startups to raise seed and series A rounds over five great evenings.

Next week we will be releasing our 2023 regular events calendar and announcing some of the other major events we will be delivering this year – we have so much planned!

If you are not part of our community yet – you can join as a networking member and help us to keep supporting the innovation and tech community on the Gold Coast from only $49: https://www.gchub.com.au/memberships/

Here’s to an awesome and amazing 2023 for everyone!

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Gold Coast Innovation Hub
Room 1.14
Southern Cross University
1 Terminal Drive, Bilinga
Meetings by appointment
Mon to Fri: 9:00am - 5:00pm