Note: GC Hub members can access free assistance with grant applications through our community partners program.
The age-friendly community grants program is now open and offers seed funding of between $25,000 and $100,000 to turn big ideas into action, and help make life better for seniors.
Over the next 3 years, $1 million per annum will be made available through open funding rounds to seed fund community projects involving partnerships between local government, community and other organisations to co-develop, implement and promote innovative age-friendly projects.
Under the first round of grants, the program is asking organisations to provide innovative solutions to overcome some of the barriers commonly faced by seniors, including housing, transport, and outdoor spaces. These are all key areas that can prevent seniors from staying involved in their communities.
Grants are open to organisations who can display a strong correlation between their project and benefits to the population of older people. These include:
- community groups;
- local councils;
- non-government organisations;
- research institutions and universities;
- for-profit organisations within the private sector.
For more information visit:
For assistance from the GC Hub in completing your application contact