Delivering the news from Commonwealth Games city, Birmingham, and from Thailand

The world is well and truly open for business again!
The GC Hub team have wasted no time in reconnecting face to face with the international innovation ecosystem to drive collaboration and build pathways for global business creation and expansion.
2022 Commonwealth Games – Birmingham, England
In Birmingham, the excitement is brewing for the Commonwealth Games, which kicks off on Thursday 28th July 2022. GC Hub Directors, Sharon Hunneybell and Steve Dalton arrived on Monday ready to reminisce about the Gold Coast 2018 games.
They were also there to deliver on our organisation’s promise to build on the legacy for our region through international business collaboration.
The GC Hub team joined partners BEC (Birmingham Enterprise Community) to deliver our first Australian Growth Bootcamp and popup embassy. Hosted by Virgin Money at their ultra cool space in the heart of Birmingham, the bootcamp gave a room full of export ready local businesses a crash course in Australian Culture, Geography and Industry growth sectors.
They were also provided with practical tips around Government and community programs, support services and tools that can be leveraged to launch into Australia.
How cute is this cow?
(Sharon and Steve aren’t too bad, either!)

The bootcamp showcased GC Hub partners like RSM, Swoop, 42 Ventures and the role they play in supporting startups in Australia. We also highlighted some local solutions that can assist with an international workforce such as Cake for ESOP’s, Synnch for R&D reporting and Airwallex for international banking.
The team have also been driving connections with government, education institutions and innovation precincts. We joined the UK Department of International Trade at their Scale-Up Games pitch event and visited the Steamhouse innovation hub and maker labs (Birmingham City University). We also visited University of Wolverhampton and Harper Adams University which specialises in Agricultural Innovation.
Meanwhile… in Thailand
GC Hub director Debby Lo-Dean has been building relations in Thailand delivering a session at the True Digital Park. Debby was hosted by General Manager, Dr. Tarit Nimmanwudipong and his team as well as Emmy from the National Innovation Agency.
They delivered an information session about the Gold Coast Innovation Hub, TIQ, Austrade, Global talent visas and City of Gold Coast economic development packages for investment.
Who thinks Debby should have one of those innovative chairs?

What’s next?
We look forward to sharing updates from these visits. We also look forward to creating more opportunities for export ready companies to move into new international markets over upcoming months.
Check out our earlier posts to see what else we’ve been up to.