Commonwealth Games Media Opportunity for Gold Coast Innovators

With the Commonwealth Games less then 90 days away, the Gold Coast Hub team have been working with local and state government on initiatives that will showcase Gold Coast Innovators to the international audience that will have their eyes on the city this April.

We will be working alongside the GC2018 Gold Coast Media Centre team to showcase a new narrative about the city which places our innovation sector and leading entrepreneurs front and centre.

Our aim is to showcase why our city is an innovative hub with some of the most business friendly conditions to start and build an enterprise. We identified our great lifestyle and the relatively low costs to both live and run a business here when compared to other centres as key factors for anyone looking to base themselves here. Combine this with the access to a wider market within Southeast Queensland/Northern NSW where close to 4 million people live within a three hour drive, alongside major infrastructure investment and a clear picture emerges of what sets our city apart from other business destinations.

There has never been more competition amongst city’s to showcase that they are leaders in innovation. That’s why we want your help in identifying which stories are worth sharing with a global audience.

Sharon Hunneybell, the CEO of the Gold Coast Hub, felt that the best way to engage international media teams is to provide them with stories and evidence of the trade that Gold Coast companies are already doing within the key commonwealth markets that will be visiting our city and the potential for growth opportunities in these markets.

To do this we would like to engage Gold Coast Hub community in collecting data on how local companies are involved with 6 key international markets. The statistics will be used to provide evidence on current Gold Coast participation with these international markets within the Commonwealth, and create opportunities for the respondents to participate in official media releases, media tours and unique engagements prior to, during and post games time.

If you have customers or employ work teams in the UK, Singapore, Malaysia, Canada, India or South Africa, please fill out the survey below and take advantage of this excellent opportunity to leverage the Commonwealth Games to showcase your business.

[contact-form-7 id=”1856″ title=”Commonwealth Business Survey”]

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Room 1.14
Southern Cross University
1 Terminal Drive, Bilinga
Meetings by appointment
Mon to Fri: 9:00am - 5:00pm