Failure may suck but it sure as heck instructs.
Come join us for round 2 of Fuckup night GC- where we have 3-4 speakers share with us their FuckUp stories.
FuckUp Nights is a global movement born in Mexico in 2012 to share public business failure stories with hundreds of people attending each event around the world. Each event speakers will be invited to talk about their FuckUp stories; we’ll learn about their biggest mistakes, what they learned, how they moved on- all whilst sharing invaluable advice along the way.
The speakers will share
* What their project / business was
* What went wrong / How it affected their personal life / What they learned / What they would do differently.
There is an opportunity for Q&A from the audience and if time permits some sharing of your own fuckup stories.
This event is for you if you are:
– Interested in,involved in or are an Entrepreneur
– Want to learn from other peoples experiences
– Interested in networking
– Like having fun Its time to shift the story about failure and celebrate the awesomeness they bring to the entrepreneurial journey!
When: Thursday, May 18, 2017
Where: Location TBA