Success. It’s one of the main elements in life that everyone wants and craves, but for businesses, success is what you need in order for your business to grow and thrive. There’s an ongoing trend that most Australian business entrepreneurs are following which has subsequently brought success to their businesses. This trend, which is making a crystal-clear link between Australian businesses and success…is waking up early! As unpleasant as it sounds, waking up early might just be the secret weapon you’ve been searching for. The early bird always gets the worm, right? So, what’s stopping you from getting the success you want so bad? Here’s how five Australian business entrepreneurs have reached their success – all by seizing the day and waking up early!
- David Prior – Early Starts
David Prior is the founder of Five: am yogurt – a yogurt which most of us have picked up at the supermarket or have seen at some stage. It’s an Australian yogurt brand founded by a man who knows what to do to make a business succeed. David Prior is the man to learn from, as he has mastered how to wake up early and carve that path of success! Prior is a true believer of waking up early, but for Prior, waking up early usually means getting up before the sun. At 5am Prior and his team get up to milk the cows, but for Prior, it’s become a personal routine as well!
- Abigail Forsyth – Exercise
Abigail Forsyth, the co-founder of the famous KeepCup, always starts her day off with exercise. Every morning, Forsyth goes for a bike ride, but for her, the morning ride to work isn’t just to get some exercise – it’s also a part of her sustainability plan. Her brother (the other co-founder of the KeepCup) also rides to work in the morning. By going for their morning rides, Abigail and Jamie not only improve their fitness and contribute to sustainability, but they are also doing their minds a massive favour! As we all would know by now, exercising releases the magical feel good chemicals – endorphins, dopamine and serotonin – whilst also relieving feelings of depression, stress and anxiety. By exercising in the morning, you’re giving your body the chance to rejuvenate and your mind to clear, which fully prepares you for your work day ahead!
- James Patten – Routine
Being an entrepreneur can be full on and most work days are unpredictable, but the one thing entrepreneurs can take full control of are their mornings. It is very rare to come across an entrepreneur who doesn’t have an established morning routine. In fact, some of the most successful entrepreneurs swear by their morning routines to kick-start their work day. One of these many entrepreneurs is James Patten. Patten is the co-founder of the online cosmetics retailer (Recreate Yourself), which is Australia’s largest online haircare and beauty store. Patten’s morning starts off with breakfast, which is toast and English marmite, followed by a few phone calls on the way into work, then sitting in the car for 10 minutes listening to the radio and mentally preparing himself for the day ahead, before walking into the office between 8:30 – 9:00am.
Having a set routine each morning not only allows you to keep your mind focused on the day ahead but also helps by eliminating any distractions, making your morning pan out as smoothly as possible.
- Jacinta McDonell-Jimenez – Family
Trying to juggle a business and family is tough, but many entrepreneurs have taken time out of their mornings to spend time with their children or partners before going to work. Jacinta McDonell-Jimenez is one of these entrepreneurs. Jacinta is the co-founder of Anytime Fitness and prioritises time towards her children in the mornings. She gets up at 6am each morning, drops the eldest off to high school, the other to daycare and then takes care of her youngest throughout the day.
Finding that balance between work time and family time is crucial, as it will allow you to completely transition between each mindset. Spending time with family in the morning doesn’t have to be stressful – it could simply mean waking up a little earlier than usual to walk the kids to school or to make lunches together as a family.
- David Zhou – Prioritising
Setting priorities and making a daily schedule is a simple task which most entrepreneurs do to give themselves a sense of direction for their day. It is especially helpful when having multiple tasks thrown at you on a daily basis. Prioritising and scheduling allows you to break down large tasks so that they are more manageable and less overwhelming.
David Zhou, like many entrepreneurs, uses prioritisation to organise his day. Zhou is the founder of the iconic Melbourne restaurant ‘David’s’ and The Oriental Tea House. He always ensures that he sets aside some time in the morning to prioritise his tasks and to schedule his day. For Zhou, this usually occurs during breakfast. Like most entrepreneurs, David Zhou uses the morning to his advantage. He ensures he’s up early and at the office to do his exercise with his punching bag, wooden dummy and speed bag, then heads out of the office to grab some breakfast (which is when he is prioritising his day), then comes back to the office where it looks like he is the last to arrive.
Prioritisation is a key element in every business, as it keeps you on track with tasks and ensures that everything is completed on time.
So, what now?
Well, after exploring the morning routines of these successful Australian entrepreneurs, you can now see how powerful a morning routine can be. By tailoring a morning routine which suits your lifestyle best, you are opening up that door to business success. Take advantage of your mornings to focus on your physical and mental health and just watch the positive outcomes it has on your business and your general wellbeing! Who knows, you might even enjoy the early morning wake ups or even discover that you were a natural morning person all along!
If you’re struggling with finding a morning routine that works for you or if you need some extra help and support with your business, then the team at the Gold Coast Innovation Hub can help! Contact us today and we can help you move in the direction of business success!
Written by Natasha Irianto – Workspace Administrator, Gold Coast Innovation Hub