Let’s not pretend that your non-perishable food drawer hasn’t doubled in size or that you haven’t thought about putting together a zombie virus go-bag…’jokes’ a side. With new health regulations changing the landscape of how and where we work, you may already be sailing into the uncharted territory of the remote/ home office environment. That’s why staying connected to a crew of co-workers a like the GC Hub is important for your mindset and productivity.
If you’ve yet to get a handle on those days where you feel like a zero on the scale of productivity, you’re in luck! We’ve compiled a list of super simple tips so you can switch your mindset from sloth level to getting the most of that work-home life.
- Opportunity does not waste time with those who are unprepared. A productive day tomorrow starts with the evening before. Plan your week ahead, make a list of goals with realistic timelines of what you want to achieve for the following week. Make sure to compare and measure these timelines so that you can better optimise your resources to achieve the deadlines at hand.
- Start your day off winning. Whether it’s mediating, stretching, working out, eating your breakfast without the rush or revising over your goals you want to accomplish for the day. Take the time to set your mind and body up right. For some inspiration on integrating habits of the world’s most successful people check out Jim Kwik’s “1 Billion Dollar Morning Routine”
- It starts from the outside in. It’s easy to relax it out in your PJs and sweats all day but getting dressed to ‘go to work’ will set up your state of mind for a productive workday to come.
- Designated days. To get the most out of your work week designate days or batches of time purely for calls, meetings, emails, tasks and project work. This will better allow your mindset focus on your task at hand while freeing up your days from interruptions.
- Turn off life’s notifications. There is nothing more distracting to your flow than knowing you have an unread message, email or social media alert. Out of sight out of mind, sometimes you’ve got to go cold turkey to get a project done – tun it all off and put it in the other room. Emails are like an endless stream flowing down from the highest peak, they’ll just keep coming. The empty inbox is a myth. Instead notify your boss and or your team to let them know what hours you will be contactable so you can jussttt work – you can thank us later.
- Separate your ‘Home’ space from your ‘Work’ space. Having the convenience to work from the kitchen table to the couch can be liberating however it’s not always the most productive. Your workspace should create a mindset shift, like walking into a corporate environment signifying to your brain that you’re “on the clock” without distraction.
- Establish expectations for the household. We all love a good chat now and then…or at least your husband, children, wife or one of your housemates does – So one word ‘boundaries’. Settling expectations and sticking to your schedule of when you are starting and finishing work for the day is crucial for keeping the peace in your tribe and not feeling interrupted or letting them feel ignored.
- Take short breaks every 45mins to 1hr. Whether it’s giving your body a quick stretch, re-hydrating that glorious brain, getting some fresh air or giving yourself a well-deserved lunch break (we’re not talking a Netflix binge session) it’s important to reset, refuel and move that body.
- Track your hours. Reflecting on your day’s productivity is the only way to set yourself up for an even better tomorrow. Chances are you can find out where you’re losing precious productivity during the workday from social media to web browsing. It’s important to pay attention to where you are spending your time to better enhance your day to prevent guilted overtime.
- Find your tribe. Being a solo act can be a dream, but when the road gets lonely and your dog’s advice on raising business funds becomes D+ work it’s time to connect to a community. We may be bias, but the co-working support system of GC Hub has a fantastic track record and wealth of mentors and connections. Take your business ‘band’ to platinum status with all of our key programs that can be delivered remotely, learn more about growing your biz here.
Remember to safe, be courteous to others, wash your hands, hydrate and listen to the experts like Queensland Health for updates on how to keep your health on #fleek.