International Trade Speaker Series | Event Recap

The Gold Coast Innovation Hub’s International speaker series are bi-monthly events aimed at bringing the world to the Gold Coast by facilitating local connections with diplomats in global business.  Each event focusses on a different global region, providing information about the economic climate, technological developments, and opportunities for co-operation.

GC Hub Director, Debby Lo-Dean, was host of the event and shared her vision for this event series: ” For Australia to achieve its economic goals, we must think ahead and develop relationships with countries that are open to co-operation and connectivity to develop new business. Following the trends and investments in infrastructure and industries overseas can take us one step ahead and provide ideas for local entrepreneurs to see the gaps in the market.”

The inaugural event focussed on opportunities in the Philippines.

Our valued attendees had the opportunity to network with our local business leaders and guest speakers before enjoying the amazing food served throughout the presentations at the luxurious Hilton Hotel in the heart of Surfers Paradise.

Distinguished guest speakers joined us, including: The Philippines Hon, Consul General of the Philippines, Ms. Margaret Grummitt. The Consul General’s role is to assist local Philippine Communities and promote trade and investment between Queensland and the Philippines. Ms. Grummit gave examples at the individual level, especially about the problems experienced during the COVID period and why we should work with the Philippines.

In his presentation, Mr. Rafael Toda, Vice President of the Philippine Business Council of Australia, presented the new investments made in the Philippines, the comparison of the labor costs with other countries, the infrastructure problems in the country that could be solved, and the technological infrastructures with graphics and visuals.  If you would like a copy of his presentation, you can contact us here.

Finally, Mr. Toda showed the beautiful nature of the Philippines and its excellent tourism opportunities, before answering a range of questions from the audience.

The event garnered wonderful feedback from participants and we would like to thank everyone who was in attendance, our members, partners and speakers who contributed to the event.

See you next time!

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Gold Coast Innovation Hub
Room 1.14
Southern Cross University
1 Terminal Drive, Bilinga
Meetings by appointment
Mon to Fri: 9:00am - 5:00pm