Have Your Say in our 2018 Activity Plan – Join a Community Forum

When we first announced our plans to establish the Gold Coast Innovation Hub hundreds of community members came out in force to hear our plans and share their thoughts on the current ecosystem and how we could come together to build and grow the innovation and technology sector on the Gold Coast.

With work on a central work and event space now underway, and with the funding agreement with Advance Queensland finalised this month, it’s time to come together once again to put together our year 1 activity strategy.

As promised, we will be rolling out a community driven model based on the formation of committees in the key areas that we believe the Gold Coast needs to focus in order to build momentum and growth in the innovation sector.  These are:

Investment: Providing activities and building awareness around Angel Investment, assistance for startups and scaleups to become ‘investor ready’, pitch practice and pitch nights, VC investment, IPO opportunities, crowd funding.

Education:  Educating business owners, High School and University based programs, upskilling to improve employability, investor education, technology education, technology and hardware meetups, programs and conferences.

Commercialisation: customer acquisition support, accelerator programs, incubator programs, grant assistance, mentoring for growth, international network development, International business development, support services, national and international storytelling.

If you have activities that you would like to run, or would like to see run in a particular area, if you are a founder and want to share your experience in a particular area, if you are a corporate or service provider that would like to provide funding or support to a particular area, please register your interest now.

The first community forums will take place in mid January, a formal agenda will be provided to all registered community members first week of January and nominations to join a formal committee to develop and oversee the 2018 activity plan will be accepted during the sessions.

[button animation=”fadeInUp” link_url=”https://www.gchub.com.au/join-a-community-forum/” title=”Register interest to join a Community Forum”]

4 Responses

  1. i am 65 years young very active in business and have been involved in innovation all my life.
    Your group seems to be youth focused .Is there any room for smart forward thinking old farts or should I look elsewhere.
    Regards Tod

    1. Hi Tod,

      The Gold Coast Hub is for all innovators, whether you are 8 or 98!
      In fact, a number of the investment and business programs that will be launched this year target more mature businesses that are scaling internationally. We would welcome your involvement as an innovator or as a mentor that can share their business experiences with other companies through the hub.

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Gold Coast Innovation Hub
Room 1.14
Southern Cross University
1 Terminal Drive, Bilinga
Meetings by appointment
Mon to Fri: 9:00am - 5:00pm