Whats on this week – 30th March

Join us every Friday at the hub to relax and unwind as we run through our latest news and all of the places to be, things to do and opportunities to snap up in the upcoming week.


April 4th – Human Rainbow, Study Gold Coast event, 7 am Kurrawa beach.
For more information://www.gchub.com.au/event/human-rainbow/

April 5th – Global Entrepreneur and Investor Exchange, 11 am – 8 pm Commonwealth House.
An exclusive gathering of leading entrepreneurs and investors from around the world, an incredible opportunity to connect and learn from like-minded business operators and investors.
For more information: https://www.gchub.com.au/…/global-entre…/

Ignite Ideas Fund Applications Round 4 Open (Closes on the 9th of May)
Queensland startups and small businesses can apply for up to $250,000 funding to advance their innovative products and services under Round 4 of the Advance Queensland Ignite Ideas fund.
Gold Coast Innovation Hub team is happy to assist with preparing applications to ensure the best outcome. Contact us directly or visit us for Fridays @the Hub.
For more information: https://www.gchub.com.au/…/ignite-ideas…/

Committee meeting date postponed till after the Commonwealth Games
Thank you for everyone willing to support the GC Innovation Hub community in an advisory role of a committee member. We are looking forward to our first Committee meeting. The date will be announced after the Commonwealth Games.

Myriad Festival Filming
This week we are visiting another prominent Gold Coast business – an Australian rocket company, Gilmour Space, which is developing a new breed of low-cost hybrid rockets for small satellites weighing up to 400 kg and launching to Low Earth Orbit from 2020!
Stay tuned for the updates!

April 6th – Fridays @ the Hub, 4 pm – 6 pm, Suite 2.6, 1 San Antonio Court, Robina
Join us for a special networking evening with drinks and pizza(!)???????? for a chance to connect with other innovators, get advice on your business, find valuable contacts.

Hope everyone had a fantastic Easter and let the Games begin! ????????‍♂️????‍♂️????‍♂️

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Gold Coast Innovation Hub
Room 1.14
Southern Cross University
1 Terminal Drive, Bilinga
Meetings by appointment
Mon to Fri: 9:00am - 5:00pm